Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Chains That Bind Them

In the news this morning it was announced that GM, Chrysler, and AIG had paid back $675B of the $700B they were loaned.  Do you remember the high anxiety over the situation a year ago?  Congress was told by the Fed and the President the nation’s economy was going to implode if they didn’t take immediate and drastic steps to shore up the bad loans of these corporations.  Do you smell a rat?

Imagine this: You and your spouse have been spending your way to prosperity (an oxymoron but indulge the metaphor a moment) with nothing down on a house worth >20 times your income, and piling up credit card debt like Inspector Drebben used them for ID. (RIP Leslie Nielsen.  I loved you.)  Suddenly you are asked to make good on all these loans, but you scream you can’t.  So the loan institutions for fear of caving in themselves figure out how to consolidate your loans, and lend you the money to pay them the interest.  Now here’s the coup de grace, in less than a year you are able to pay 96% of that consolidated loan back!  Not possible unless you were in sound financial straights and never needed it in the first place.  Now do you smell a rat?

Why would your lenders do such a thing?  It doesn’t make sense!  No it doesn’t, until you discover the way they produced that money to loan you was to devalue your income.  They went to your employers and arranged the books such that you got paid the same on paper, but your pay was worth much less than before.  When you and I do this it’s called fraud.  When the people who lend the money out do it, it’s called collectivism.  They are collecting not just your property, but your ability to amass wealth.  Soon everyone is equally poor, and the people who loan the money possess all the tangible property.  The result is, even though those giants loans have been paid back, you and I are stuck with a currency that is worth much less than it was a year ago.

If you haven’t read the fine print before now, every loan originated is set up to pay back the interest before the loan amount is paid.  You pay them for the “privilege” to use their money, and the payment of the original borrowed amount gets deferred until they get all their interest.  Although the two are paid off coincidentally, effectively if you let the loan run full term it’s as if you are consigned to paying off the borrowed amount last.  Loans are ALWAYS in the lender's favor.  You have to give them collateral—usually tangible property, you have to pay them first for the use of their money, and they can take it all away from you at any time.

In every debt instrument there is a clause: Payable in full upon demand.  The lender can demand all the money back they gave to you at any time.  If you can’t do that, they come and take your property away.  It doesn’t matter how much you have given them in interest.  A 10% interest loan over ten years means you pay them in addition to the amount you borrowed, 100% of that borrowed money for the privilege of using that money.  In a thirty year loan you have paid them three times the borrowed amount, plus the loan amount, meaning if you let the loan go full term you have paid four times the original value.  And at any time during that period if you fail to pay according to the plan they take it all back and you get nothing.

This is called a simple interest loan, and if you think this is robbery, when I was a youth banks were still making compounded interest loans—you paid interest on the unpaid interest!  This practice didn’t go away until the public finally wised up and refused to participate in the ripoff.  However, it still continues in a different form which loan sharks (payday and title loan businesses) use—the interest rate is usually around 25% and the interest period is in days instead of months.

If you haven’t figured this out yet, the practice of borrowing amounts to this: you get to use property today that would take longer to pay for in cash, BUT over the long term you get to have less property than you otherwise could have had.  You don’t get to travel as much as you would have, nor enjoy the comforts in tangible assets that you could have had at an age when it is most coveted.  If you engage in the practice of borrowing long enough, and without restraint, your children and even their children will be your slaves.  Perhaps for their entire lives.  At it’s root, this practice is called a Ponzi scheme.  You get away with the goods while the unsuspecting and innocent are compelled to pay for your extravagance.

Oh sure, Madoff went to jail for that.  But who really should be going to jail are all the members of the Federal Reserve for devaluing our money in order to cover bad loans (people who can’t manage a dollar in cash but borrow for everything) and thereby acquire the real wealth—your property.

This kind of fraud was in existence before Nixon took the country off the gold standard.  Now if YOU had made a fuss about it loud enough, Congress, who are the ones who spend your money, would not have gone along with Nixon.  And the consequence would be the value of your money would have remained relatively constant in spite of bad loans to this day.  What these money lenders used to do in ancient times to devalue the money supply was substitute bogus weights on the balance beam scales.  They often got away with it because communication was much slower, and the legal system under the existing ruler while much harsher than ours, was incapable of consistently enforcing punishment for the fraud.

When it comes to who is responsible for exploitation, is it the exploiter, or the exploitee?  Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, thrice….


Friday, November 19, 2010

The Art of Diversion

At the onset of the computer age an acronym appeared which characterized the intelligence of digital computing—GIGO.  If one feeds the computer unreliable data, it will spew out in kind, garbage in, garbage out.  The acronym is a concept borrowed from engineering, namely, that if your initial postulation is in error, then any conclusions drawn from analysis will also be erroneous.  This is clearly obvious in the fields of astrophysics and theoretical physics.  Just to set the fundamental idea straight, physics is about the material world’s behavior.  First one observes, then measures, and then tests, after which postulations are produced to explain the observed behavior.  Theoretical physicists and mathematicians have reversed the procedure, producing theories before observation of the physical phenomena.  GIGO.

The same process of spewing out irrelevant information is also inherent in engineering.  It is one thing to set up the equations that reflect an observed process.  But if the premise is in error, or is in need of revision, then one must revise the answers exiting the mathematics.  Any third-grader knows if you change certain quantities relevant to others, the ultimate answer changes as well.  Somehow this basic concept gets lost in the ivory towers of our universities.  Fred Hoyle makes some sound arguments in his book, Energy or Extinction, as well as Dr. Albert Bartlett in his classroom analysis/presentation posted on the Internet.  One cannot argue the math.  But one can indeed argue the assumed premise.  The earth is not in short supply of hydrocarbon energy.

Fred, Al, the world is not running out of oil.  Period.  What we have been told in the media until everyone takes it as proven hard fact and is no different than the diamond industry (as well as others that boast there are limited supplies), which is tightly controlled by two major companies in the world.  Why?  Because diamonds are as plentiful as grass.  There are numerous diamond fields around the planet right on the surface, waiting to be exploited.  That’s the way DeBeers and cohorts want it—waiting to be exploited, on their terms.  In so doing the diamond business remains lucrative and perpetual at controlled price levels.  This is exactly the situation with oil, with one exception.  Oil is one of the earth’s renewable energy sources.  We have been fed a pack of lies through the media with a lot of loud braying perpetrated by certain individuals who want to control all the earth’s resources for their own benefit and gratification.

Back when the Alaskan pipeline was being built, there was a lot of exploratory drilling.  It was discovered that the amount of oil available in just ONE location of Prudhoe Bay exceeded all the then known oil fields of Saudi Arabia.  Now if that is startling, perhaps unbelievable, drilling was also carried out on Gull Island, a location on the very edge of the permitted area by government (100 square miles) of Prudhoe Bay, which was measured to contain more oil than all the other wells previously drilled in that region.  I kid you not.  This is what an ARCO executive declared to the chaplain accompanying him shortly after the day the Gull Island well test was carried out.  This is certainly incredulous to those of us who have believed the propaganda.  One wonders how many other oil pools could be discovered along the northern coast of Alaska, which are natural artesian wells with a temperature of 135ยบ and 1200 psi, naturally flowing for twenty years of 24/7 production.  One of the largest oil fields in the world lies off the coast of Greece.  But they, like America's Prudhoe Bay have been prevented from developing it.

Since the early 1970s when these abundant sources were discovered, further exploration has discovered the following:
  • Proved crude oil resources are more than 21 times what was known in the 1950s
  • Natural gas supplies are five times what was known in the 1960s
  • Coal reserves are four times greater than originally estimated in the 1950s, and TWICE the BTU content of known oil and gas reserves.
It has been known for at least fifty years there is an oil field deep under the northern plains which in volume exceeds all other known fields combined in North America.  The drilling technology has yet to be invented to get at it. This was the state of man’s knowledge on these matters ten years ago.  At that time it was discovered there was a possibility that the earth was manufacturing new oil, which has since been confirmed.  Apparently some old oil fields which were once thought depleted are starting to come back to life.  Hmmm.  Do you suppose that Chevron promoted some propaganda originating from certain universities that oil was produced from organic matter and therefore finite?  Any competent scientist having investigated the issue long since concluded that was an error, born of facile speculation.  Just like the diamonds, these control freaks want the world to believe the supply is finite and insufficient, so they may continue their plans for total world control.  The plan has been in place for centuries, people.  This is not a recent event.

So Al, how about revising your video with more up to date data in your calculations?  Or are you also in the employ of the Establishment promoting this form of propaganda?  Fred, you’re dead.  But perhaps with unlimited vision now you are able to realize the truth.

Yes, we are polluting our planet.  We need to clean up our water both oceanic and potable.  We need to invent a method of dealing with the toxic waste of industrialization—if we want to continue as a species.  And even though the entire world’s population could reside in less than 25% of the land area of the United States, we need to realize better control of our reproduction in proportion to our capacity to produce food.  There’s no survival need to exterminate 6 billion people down to 500 million (a 12/1 reduction) as touted on the Georgia Stones.

WMDs in Iraq, al Qaeda behind the terrorism instead of the Establishment manipulating the Israelis and Arabs, Global Warming caused by man-made carbon emissions, the cause and “need” for WWI and WWII, these and many more events are manufactured. The number of casualties of our troops in Iraq are not 4000, but over 73,000! More than what was lost in the entire Viet Nam war conducted over a period of twenty years.  Douglas Reed told the world when the news media was co-opted.  But people still believe what they're told by it because they're too busy pursuing "Happiness" to bother verifying these tabloids.

Our planet has enough and to spare of resources.  What we are not doing is being wise Stewards.  We have let certain groups of individuals set us to destroying ourselves while our attention was focused on “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” They have an inferiority complex reaching deep into the depths of megalomaniacal control.

Seth Smee


The Energy Non Crisis Lindsey Williams
The Sustainable—and Young—Hydrocarbon Energy Age Robert L Bradley,President of The Institute for Energy Research  published in Ideas on Liberty, Nov. 2001 FEE
Hydrocarbons in the Deep Earth

Sunday, November 7, 2010

About the References

Geide (, Dr Bartlet (, and Klaus Dona ( are the easiest to check out.  Geide's chapters on population take about 30 minutes altogether.  Al and Klaus will each require about an hour.

Fred Hoyle's books are short and can be read in about 2-3 hrs each if you read in excess of 300wpm.  I found them on the city's public library consortium and posted a request.

A must read is The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes and Civilization One.  The first is one of the best scientific treatments of geology in publication.  The second is just about as good.  Both render a fairly solid foundation for the argument we--the current specie of man--lived during and before the last ice age, and that during that period man attained a fairly complex civilization.

The others have useful information, but a lot more gleaning is necessary.  There is a lot of speculation instead of real science in the other books, but enough data to get one thinking.  And that is the most important part.  I am not interested in speculation, sensationalism, or Chicken Little apocalypticism.  Nor am I interested in green or gray aliens involved in man's past, simply for the reasons outlined in Space Travel (Bova & Lewis).  The only way we can grasp how BIG our galaxy is, is with mathematics.  Just as surely as Bartlett's simple equations show we are in deep trouble, simple equations also show that space travel by any method of applied physics we can come up with precludes celestial Visitors.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Bill Geide leads one to believe that our species is doomed to extinction—if we continue inverting the food pyramid.  From what I gather of man’s history, extinction is not our problem.  Our species has managed to adapt and survive for a million plus years, if Cremo & Thompson are to be believed.  But if we don’t make a concerted effort now we will damage the ecology for generations, no matter who survives.

Our biggest problem isn’t food, it’s water.  Not only are we short of clean water, so are the ocean’s inhabitants.  And that’s in part our doing.  If there is any field of research man needs to expend resources of talent and money, it’s in producing potable water and removing our pollutants.  On this part, I believe Dr. Barlett has us pegged at critical mass.  Hardly a month passes but what we don’t hear of water related problems somewhere in the world, and they’re always in heavily populated areas.  Worldwide disease, famine, pestilence, and insurrection are on the horizon.  We don’t need to worry about the Establishment’s objectives as written on the Georgia Stones.  They sound reasonable, like all Utopias, but the question is how they are achieved.

The world has been progressing toward a universal language since the Industrial Revolution.  We don’t need to do anything about that.  Anyone who is experienced in foreign languages can recognize the trend.  Nor do we need to focus on the other objectives listed on the Stones.  What we do need is to achieve a consciousness that is universal in all countries, one that emphasizes personal responsibility AND accountability.  I’m not suggesting a penalizing system for accountability.  It is rather one of people beginning to care about how their actions, and to some extent attitudes, affect their neighbor.

If you don’t care about putting your garbage in the nearest refuse disposal can, you’re not likely to care about other less visible forms of pollution, like the volume of psychotropic drugs going into our sewer systems which are not set up to trap them.  Or any other number of scenarios, down to being conscientious enough to walk twenty steps at the public library to throw away your own trash.  Or cigarette butt.  Some of the local high school students can’t do this, even though there are receptacles every thirty feet from the library to the school entrance across the street.

I was raised to pick up after myself.  When I got old enough to read adult level books, I discovered many of the senior generation believed your worth as a human being was next to zero if you didn’t clean up after your own shit.  When I entered Basic Training, I discovered there were a lot of young men who were not taught by their parents to do exactly that.  Uncle Sam’s Brother had to teach them.

The raising of consciousness is not just about being more aware of your place in the world, local or at large.  It begins first with acquiring the Habit of Stewardship.  For the specie of Man to make it past THIS hump in the learning curve, it must adopt this habit.  The Rule of Law will not achieve the metamorphosis awaiting us.  We simply have to extinguish the slavery mentality from among us.  This is reflected in the attitude that only government can fix what ails humanity.  Today (Nov 2) we go to the polls—those of us who still understand that voting counts no matter who wins—and presumably set some of us to represent the rest of us in public matters.  What most people have forgotten is that these representatives are not there to fix our problems.  They are not there to make Laws.  They are there to ensure that the will of accountable people is carried out where there is a conflict between a majority and a minority.  They are there to ensure a balance between the two, and nothing more.  They are there with the primary duty of ensuring the Bill of Rights is not violated during the legislative process.  That is why they are sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States before anything else.

The Experiment in “Self Government” was never about if Democracy would work—or any other form of government for that matter.  It was an experiment to see if people could learn to govern themselves in all their affairs WITHOUT resorting to legalized plunder and coercion.  Jefferson and associates were not interested in public, socialized education for the sake of having an educated populace.  They hoped that in teaching the people about their history and duty toward a Limited Republic, the people would recognize self-government was exactly that—governing their own passions of greed, lust, envy, and rapacity against their neighbor.  It’s no wonder the rising generation has difficulty with accountability.  Around the world in the news we regularly hear: “We don’t know how this oversight happened, but we are looking into it.”  It happens because somebody did not care how their actions affected others.

To summarize, if we don’t start caring about how our individual actions influence and impact the well being of others (no matter where they are on the planet), civilization as we know it, and thousands of years of hard-won progression will be lost.  All Golden Ages of the past were a direct result of people raising the bar of sociality, not technology.  Technology, while improving the standard of living and life expectancy, did not, and will not, save humanity from destruction.

To date, no religion has been able to foster these concepts of “good will toward men”.  Instead it has been the source of most war and destruction since the last Ice Age.  Spirituality was never dependent upon religion, as is clearly codified in the basic tenets of all the world’s religions.  Yet people would rather continue fighting over who is right, and who is in control of the rest by it, than live those basic principles.  Doing away with religion does not diminish spirituality, but in my estimation having been on both sides, religion impedes spirituality and concern for others.  Take any religion on the planet and discern whether or not it has utilized coercion, intimidation, and fear as tools to achieve its supremacy.  Religion is about control over other people, the same as the objectives of the Establishment—in the name of doing so for their own good.

The shift in consciousness so many people are looking for in 2012, can only start with Stewardship.  This is our home.  It is OUR planet.  It is where we began, and to where we will return should we finally break loose from its gravity well. If we don’t individually become stewards of our home, it will cease to be our cradle and become our grave.

Do your research.  Find out how to be a steward.  Implement them and discover the rewards that comes from it.  It is the first step in passing it forward.

Nov 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Cyclical Civilization

We are a doomed species. We are condemned to follow in the footsteps of our ancestors, except that, as I see it, we have one of two choices in how we go down.  We can now, with the misuse of technology, so effectively obliterate ourselves and our environment, that it will take millenia for any survivors to recover from the devastation.  On an astronomical scale, Mother Nature will restore itself, but we, like many of our distant cousins (e.g. Neanderthals) will disappear from the living.  On the other hand, we may not be so stupid as to destroy our ability to continue through the coming conflagration, but we certainly will leave nothing of our civilization, and more importantly, an understanding of our errors, to those who do survive to their advantage.

See here, you say, this is a very pessimistic attitude to take!  One that is dark and hopeless.  I’m sorry, but I’m trying desperately to read the signs of our past in terms of what it says, not from what I would like it to say.  The old worn out aphorism by George Santayana still applies: “Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”  In looking at man’s history there is a sketchy picture coming forward.  It is one thankfully many are starting to examine.  What I suspect is that we are so close to our own Day of Reckoning that we will not figure it out before we have totally messed ourselves up—again!

Again?  You mean—Yes, there was another civilization that preceded ours, and it was a world-wide civilization with a single language.  That part of the myth in the Bible seems to be correct, according to what researchers are finding.  Where there is a uniform language, there is also a uniform culture, and you can count on it (since man seems to fail at learning from his own mistakes) that whatever form of religion existed then was fairly universal.  The artifacts, the megalithic structures, the Vedas, the technology behind the megalithic building, the measurement systems (all of our present-day units of measure converge in the megalithic era), the astronomical knowledge, all point to one conclusion: Man had done it all before the time we label as written history.

How does a civilization retain what it has achieved?  Tell me, do you honestly believe all these monuments from the past around the world were put there to celebrate how great the builders were?  Is the human race that vain?  Apparently, for in these “modern” times there are still those who believe we are the greatest achievement, perhaps in the Galaxy for lack of finding evidence otherwise.  Those monuments don’t exist because they were vain, they exist to remind us of who and what we are.  And there comes those terrible W’s: Who, What, When, Where, and Why.

In all our great accomplishments since the last Ice Age, Man has been unable to answer the Five Terrible Questions about itself!  Religions seek to supply answers to them, but fail miserably.  All of the world’s major religions trace their ideologies and theologies back to the period following the last Great Cataclysm.
 There are no exceptions despite what some of the Christians try to assert.   It’s in the fine print in every document scholars have examined as far back as records can afford.  All Man has done since that time is spin variations on a theme, as they have done with language and culture.

Answering these questions I would hazard is more difficult than any of the frontier scientific questions occupying man’s most skilled minds today.  Bryan Sykes, et. al. have only been able to show a genetic link back some 30,000 to 40,000 years to the “first woman”.  Cremo and Thompson if they are right about the suppressed archeological evidence (and there are other contemporary researchers with supportive claims), indicate man in his present form has existed on this earth at least one and a half million years.  But we know nothing of any civilizations prior to 12,000 years ago.  Whatever was there long ago became part of the seabeds that now are the world’s largest deserts.

Some scientists postulate that many species were destroyed through time by way of geological/astronomical cataclysm.  And they may well be right, since the earth reveals under modern satellite imaging many locations of large astronomical bombardment, as well as electrical discharge machining—a phenomenon that happens in Nature when two planetary bodies come sufficiently close to each other to cause arcing between them.  The evidence for this is not only all over the solar system, but right in our own backyard.

Klaus Dona has shown with his work that a world-wide culture with a single language existed about this period.  What we don’t know is how far back the Megalithic period extends.  Was it contemporary or prior to the civilization Klaus is documenting with artifacts?  One thing we know for greater surety than any of these previous speculations is there was a world-wide cataclysm that destroyed the majority of man’s culture and population.  Firestone, West and Smith have shown with almost undeniable conclusion that a large meteor came over the north pole, split into multiple large fragments and caused wide scale flooding and fire damage, destroying Flora, Fauna, and Man on virtually every continent of the earth.  Not even the devastation of the wars apparently carried on in India back then can compare.  The end result was a near complete loss of the technology and knowledge these civilizations hint at in their writings inscribed in granite.  We are fortunate they had the foresight to realize stone is the only material on earth that withstands the entropy of Nature.  They were able to leave something to the survivors besides the mythologies handed down and corrupted in what few written documents exist.

Will our fate be that of our predecessors?  Not likely.  We have run out of resources to sustain any further population growth, and even if we were able to hold the world’s population at zero growth, that would only give the human species another 200-400 years, depending on the scenarios one comes up with to manage the food production, fresh water, and energy needs for so many people.  We won’t need to worry about the next asteroid or meteor.  We’re already there.  Bill Geide has an excellent graphical presentation of the problem, which one may want to argue, except for the supportive applied mathematical analysis which professors Al Bartlett and Fred Hoyle laid down long before Bill created his website.  Al shows with the precision of applied mathematics we are at the cusp of collapse in terms of population versus available resources.  Forty years ago Fred showed the problems associated with resources, energy, and population and offered some interim solution.  Nuclear fuel is the only high energy density material Man has.  But he was not allowed to pursue the research required to make it a world-wide alternative.  Too many people out there screaming about saving the planet, when the real problem has always been through millenia, saving Man’s cultural and knowledge achievements to jump start the next cycle.  Fred estimated the coming collapse at about 2250AD.  My take of the sequence of events transpiring since he published his analysis is that we will probably have to push that closer a hundred years or more.

Professor Hawking some years ago asserted that Man’s only hope was getting off planet.  First off, if there is anything we have learned out of our combined space program efforts, it is that man cannot survive for any length of time in an environment much different than on the surface of the earth.  The body starts to fall apart.  It is too early in the space research phase to know if we can come up with compensatory mechanisms.  Second, we don’t really know the first thing about large-scale terraforming.  So where are we going to go in the solar system?  There is no place like home that can offer the level of advanced culture and technology we presently live with in the solar system.  To create that kind of environment will take centuries.  We don’t have centuries.  Hawking’s solution, for all his professorship, is too late.

To give Man an extra one hundred years relief from the resource/population dilemma would require no less than boosting out of earth’s gravity well one fourth of the world’s population, and more likely half, depending on how one models the options available.  Our present space program is based on high tech fossil fuels, the kind that requires a fairly complex society to produce.  But there’s not enough resources available to boost even one percent of the world’s population off planet—just to the Moon!  The best we can do is send out space seed, a select group of people armed to the teeth for survival.  But then they would have to have a place to go and the means of surviving a much harsher environment than we have here.  The rest of us will have to take our chances with a rapidly declining standard of living.

Any which way one looks at the evidence, and manipulates the data toward survival of our present civilization, the conclusion is inescapable.  If we don’t kill ourselves off through massive war, we will most certainly not survive in our present circumstances.  The best we can do is the one thing few people are focused on—handing on our knowledge, skill, understanding, and history to the generation that survives in a form they will recognize and be able to employ.  They will have to have the motivation to learn from our mistakes, or Man will continue to repeat the catastrophes of his past.

Do the math.  Work on the scenarios.  The greatest technological problem we face today is not getting a colony on Mars.  It is not figuring out how to beat the population/energy/food resource problem.  It is preserving our heritage to our descendants come what cataclysm may.  So far we can’t even duplicate the skill of the last civilization which put it in stone.  And we still don’t have any answers to those Terrible questions to bequeath to our posterity.

Oct 2010

Einstein’s Idiots #14,15,16 Bill Geide
Arithmetic, Population, and Energy Dr Albert Bartlett U of CO;
Encounter with the Future Sir Fred Hoyle
Energy or Extinction Sir Fred Hoyle
Civilization One Christopher Knight & Alan Butler
The Hidden History of the Human Race Klaus Dona
The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes Firestone/West/Smith
Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race Cremo/Thompson
Discovering the Mysteries of Ancient America Joseph et al
Uriel’s Machine Christopher Knight/Robert Lomas
Before the Pharoahs Malkowski
The Older Testament Margaret Barker
The Controversy of Zion Douglas Reed