Saturday, September 26, 2015

The End of National Independence

“The congress having thus disentangled themselves from all popular checks and choices, and being supported by a well disciplined army and active militia, will certainly command dread and respect abroad, obedience and submission at home. They will then look down with awful dignity and tremendous majesty from the pinnacle of glory to which fortune has raised them upon the insignificant creatures, their subjects, whom they have reduced to that state of vassalage and servile submission, for which they were primarily destined by nature. America will then be great amongst the nations(3) and princess amongst the provinces. Her fleets will cover the deserts of the ocean and convert it into a popular city; and her invincible armies overturn the thrones of princes. The glory of Britain (4) shall fall like lightning before her puissant arm; when she ariseth to shake the nations, and take vengeance on all who dare oppose her. O! thou most venerable and august congress! with what astonishing ideas my mind is ravished! when I contemplate thy rising grandeur, and anticipate thy future glory! Happy thy servants! happy thy vassals! and happy thy slaves, which fit under the shade of thy omnipotent authority, and behold the glory of thy majesty! for such a state who would not part with ideal blessings of liberty? who would not cheerfully resign the nominal advantages of freedom? the dazzling splendor of Assyrian, Persian, Macedonian and Roman greatness will then be totally eclipsed by the radiant blaze of this glorious western luminary! These beautiful expressions, aristocracy, and oligarchy, upon which the popular odium hath fixed derision and contempt, will then resume their natural emphasis; their genuine signification will be perfectly understood, and no more perverted or abused.” ( ARISTOCROTIS Anti-Federalist #51)

Our nation is finished. We are waiting in the lull for the coup-de-grâce of national Hara-Kiri. The lull is the interim between presidential elections. No matter which candidate takes the White House in 2017, the inevitable demise is assured. History has spoken the edict, but there have been few, if any, who have heard the inquest and judgment.

Gore Vidal, who continuously poked Americans in the eye, especially the Elitists, once stated that the brightest men ever to appear in America were the men who founded the Federal government, and they have not been seen since. I beg to differ. These men of designing mien established a tradition that has rooted and flowered like Ragweed. They exist in every nook and cranny of the monolithic edifice, for from the moment the ink of the Federal Constitution was still drying (that marvel of a piece of double talk which mirrored oligarchic aristocracy), those crooks and nannies were busy going about mimicking the very aristocracy of their ideological sires. Gore asserted way back during the Vietnam era that we had become a National Security State, and indeed it is now bearing down on the largest nations on the planet that have evaded its hegemony. This summer, the nation in a state of heroin induced stupor, beheld the Chinese and American naval fleets tagging each other in the Pacific.  The Security State has followed the path to empire the likes of which the British envy, and they are determined to regain the helm and their lost status at any cost.

The greatest loophole built into that faux chastity belt document was the construction of the Senate. To them was given the key to the belt, the bag of gold, the military, the rights of perpetuity, the duty of impeachments, and a politician’s admonition to virtue. It was to them we were told, after their illegal convention, that we should rely on a just and proper government, one which would balance the rights of the majority against those of the minority, while preserving the sanctity of the individual against autocratic abuse. A formidable task indeed for a fledgling nation attempting to transcend the Republics of bygone eras. As we shall see, they were stumbling right out of the starting gate.

The American Senate is charged first with the duty of ensuring that the Constitution (with its Amendments, commonly referred to as the Bill of Rights) is adhered to in all legislative and executive matters. This is its primary purpose and function. (Federalist Papers 62 & 63) The Representatives were intended to restore the Constitutional governance to its primal state should the Senate corrupt it. Contrary to Madison’s beliefs and polemics, this has proved to be a scarecrow. The fatal flaw, well known and publicized among the Revolutionary States, was that the Senate was endowed with both the legislative and executive powers. Without the legislative, they could not restrain the popular rabble influencing the people’s Representatives. Without the executive, they could not over rule the President, nor declare the principles of Jurisprudence to the Judiciary. Conversely, they could bequeath to the President legislative and extend executive powers which are not expressly designated in the Constitution, and undermine the immunity of the Judiciary from partisan or ideological influence. Not but least, they could extend to themselves by fiat, the right to pseudo-hereditary election and emoluments. The very worst fatality Madison never covered was the patronage of “designing men.” Why would they cut their own throats on this momentous occasion? Everyone else was “designing”, only they were not! But with the very first administration of the reconstituted office of president (John Hanson was the first president of the United States in 1781 with the adoption of the Articles of Confederation), Washington changed all that. He took in his Free Mason buddy Alexander Hamilton as Secretary of the Treasury, a shill of the British Rothschild bank. (Hamilton’s Curse)

Politics may change its structure, but the consummation of malfeasance seldom does. In ancient Rome, the Senate soon became infested with oligarchic families (the Greeks founded their democracy by way of oligarchic families), a by-product of class struggle. Here again, astute Colonials recognized the deliberate exacerbation of class-struggle by the Constitution. (Anti-Federalist #37) The byproduct is the production of political parties—the debacle millionaire George Washington impotently and ignorantly warned against in his Farewell Address.  In American politics, our senators are often drawn from the more affluent and educated. But the result is always the same—corruption throughout and the fated dissolution of the government and the social institutions supporting it. If they aren’t of the affluent aristocratic class at appointment, they soon are once taking office. The vested interests of business see to that (~12,000 lobbyists in 2014). What Americans have failed to notice in their history lessons is that the national and state governments were composed by and for those who owned businesses and property. Accordingly, they were the only ones privileged to vote. Few, if any Congressmen have escaped the vice of financial favors. “Our form of democracy is bribery on the highest scale” wrote Gore Vidal, and it has been the modus operandi since the colonial charters. The Colonial Brutus wrote disparagingly:

“Men long in office are very apt to feel themselves independent; to form and pursue interests separate from those who appointed them. And this is more likely to be the case with the senate, as they will for the most part of the time be absent from the state they represent, and associate with such company as will possess very little of the feelings of the middling class of people. .… It is probable that senators once chosen for a state will, as the system now stands, continue in office for life. The office will be honorable if not lucrative. The persons who occupy it will probably wish to continue in it, and therefore use all their influence and that of their friends to continue in office. Their friends will be numerous and powerful, for they will have it in their power to confer great favors, besides it will before long be considered as disgraceful not to be reelected. It will therefore be considered as a matter of delicacy to the character of the senator not to return him again. Everybody acquainted with public affairs knows how difficult it is to remove from office a person who is long been in it. It is seldom done except in cases of gross misconduct.  (Anti-Federalist #62)

By dereliction of duty to the laws and regulations of the Constitution, falsely touting the protection of the Individual, the Senate opens the gates to corruption of all branches of the Federal government;
  • the consolidation of legislative, judicial, and executive powers; 
  • the subjection of the Federal system to insolvency and monetary bondage in perpetuity; 
  • the pandering and surreptitious tribute of moneyed interests; 
  • the political influence of potentates; 
  • the migration from Republicanism to Federalism to Monarchy or Dictatorship; 
  • the provocation of civil insurrection; 
  • the perpetuation and enlargement of standing armies and war (once limited to 6 years); 
  • bias and influence of the supreme Judiciary; 
  • the suspension of Habeas Corpus; 
  • suspension of trial by jury and right to confront accusers; 
  • incarceration without due process; 
  • the confiscation of property and violation of persons; 
  • military tribunals imposed on civilians; 
  • all manner of Federal imposition and harassment under the guise of public health or welfare; 
  • domestic and foreign intervention provoking minorities to insurrection by Federal Intelligence services; 
  • the instigation of clandestine pacts, agreements, or treaties by the executive; 
  • the debauching and ideological subversion of public education; 
  • the regulation of social contracts of convention; 
  • the codification and regulation of speech; 
  • Presidential intelligence oversight negligence, ad nauseum infinitum. 
By degrees they have granted dictatorial powers to the President of this pseudo-Republic, and committed the same fatality which the German congress did with Adolf—they gave him sufficient power to have themselves dissolved—permanently. Dissidents forfeited their lives.

Prescient citizens of our then burgeoning Confederacy foresaw the weaknesses of the proffered Constitution with its inevitable production of a tyrant:

“…perhaps some weak heads may think that the constitution itself will be a check upon the new congress. But this I deny, for the convention has so happily worded themselves, that every part of this constitution either bears double meaning, or no meaning at all; and if any concessions are made to the people in one place, it is effectually cancelled in another—so that in fact this constitution is much better and gives more scope to the rulers than they durst safely take if there was no constitution at all. For then the people might contend that the power was inherent in them, and that they had made some implied reserves in the original grant. But now they cannot, for every thing is expressly given away to government in this plan. Perhaps some people may think that power which the house of representatives possesses, of impeaching the officers of government, will be a restraint upon them. But this entirely vanishes, when it is considered that the Senate hath the principal say in appointing these officers, and that they are the sole judges of all impeachments. Now it would be absurd to suppose that they would remove their own servants for performing their secret orders  ....  For the interest of rulers and the ruled will then be two distinct things.” ( ARISTOCROTIS Anti-Federalist #51)

Though there were weak-headed, profligate, and unscrupulous citizens seduced by its tenets, strong and sane minded citizens warned of the folly of an unrestrained Senate (as well as the Representatives) and its consequences. Unfortunately, the voice of the former is always more dominant in society than the latter. The Founding Fathers blatantly discussed this characteristic of former political constructions in the press, private communications and assemblies. But the common citizen paid as little attention then as they do today. We are so busy serving the exigencies of penury, we pay little attention to who is controlling its value and the production of market rules. We know it because shortly after Franklin shot off his mouth to his British colleagues that their prosperity and lack of poor was due to their issuance of their own paper specie, the British parliament passed legislation to revoke colonial specie and force them to trade in British coin. Within months the colonies went from a debt-free society to wide-spread losses and subsequent poverty. Franklin’s visit to England for financing included a visit with the London financiers. Finding no success there he journeyed to France, where he brokered a deal by way of his Masonry connections with Jacob Rothschild’s bank. The ultimate aim of the bankers then, as it was with the precipitation of the Civil War, and every war since, was the financial overthrow and subjection of the United States. They have always played both sides in the conflicts they generate for this purpose. (The Federal Reserve Cartel)

Follow the Money

“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes the laws.”(Mayer Anselm Rothschild) With the Senate so constituted to have sole political control of both debits and credits of the national purse, they have no care for how the laws protect the rights of the Individual. Laws will follow where the money flows, and by Constitutional design, the money flowed then at is does today, from the American aristocratic businessman to the Senator. The notion that a Bill of Rights would confine Congress, and the Senate in particular, to preservation and protection of individual Liberty among the States was a bone thrown to the Thomas Jefferson crowd. He erroneously believed that the Constitution, with its appended Rights bill, would bind the burgeoning class of business aristocrats to the object of freedom from despotism and financial ruin. ("In questions of power...let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution." —Thomas Jefferson: Kentucky Resolutions, 1798.) But the Federal Constitution was never written to preserve Liberty for all. It was written to facilitate obtaining control for themselves their own money system apart from king George:

“We began planning the Revolutionary War in order to issue our own money again…. The inability of the Colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of George III and the international bankers was the prime reason for the revolutionary war.” (Benjamin Franklin)

And yet, Franklin went to none other to purchase weapons through Baron von Steuben who was connected with the Rothschilds. (The ambassadorial feud and nervous break down that non-Mason John Adams had with Franklin was centered in Franklin’s Masonic network. He later wrote the Letters on the Masonic Institution exposing the Free Mason influence.)

There were a number of colonists who were savvy to the monetary motivation behind the convention and opposed it:

“Our governments have been new and unsettled; and several legislatures, by making tender, suspension, and paper money laws, have given just cause of uneasiness to creditors. By these and other causes, several orders of men in the community have been prepared, by degrees, for a change of government. And this very abuse of power in the legislatures, which in some cases has been charged upon the democratic part of the community, has furnished aristocratical men with those very weapons, and those very means, with which, in great measure, they are rapidly effecting their favorite object. And should an oppressive government be the consequence of the proposed change, posterity may reproach not only a few overbearing unprincipled men, but those parties in the states which have misused their powers.

The conduct of several legislatures, touching paper money, and tender laws, has prepared many honest men for changes in government, which otherwise they would not have thought of—when by the evils, on the one hand, and by the secret instigations of artful men, on the other, the minds of men were become sufficiently uneasy, a bold step was taken, which is usually followed by a revolution, or a civil war. A general convention for mere commercial purposes was moved for—the authors of this measure saw that the people's attention was turned solely to the amendment of the federal system; and that, had the idea of a total change been started, probably no state would have appointed members to the convention. The idea of destroying ultimately, the state government, and forming one consolidated system, could not have been admitted—a convention, therefore, merely for vesting in congress power to regulate trade was proposed.” (Anti-federalist # 37)

As soon as the British military was no immediate threat, the Constitutional convention was planned by a few delegates at Annapolis to cement their revolutionary enterprise. It is often thought that what Franklin meant when he admonished the convention delegates “if we do not hang together, we shall surely hang separately” was not about regaining their native rights from the British, but about them hanging for insolvency. They had pledged their fortunes to pull off the Revolution, and some means had to be instituted for them to recoup their loses. Without the power to create their own money again they were vulnerable to re-subjugation). Voilá! The new Federal government is born with the power to tax, tariff, and regulate commerce for their own ends, irrespective of the powers of any and all States. (Anti-Federalist #40) Unlike the American pseudo-aristocrats who pledged their fortunes in the Declaration of Independence, the French who came to their rescue and kicked the British asses for sport, spent their fortunes, on Franklin’s promise we Americans would repay their expended wealth on their behalf. This was not done, for just as we reneg on virtually every international agreement we autograph, Washington refused to repay their debt to them, setting the stage for bankruptcy of the French aristocracy and their ensuing bloody revolution. A revolution in which the Rothschilds were intimately participating. A bloody demise that later happened in France’s aristocracy was what Franklin was warning the delegates about. Today, from decades of profligate spending by Congress, unrestrained by the Senate, the citizenry is on the verge of financial destitution. When it happens, we know who’s blood will be sought—demonstrations to that effect have already manifested to that end. Our political leaders have been militarizing the police forces, augmenting the weapons manufacturing, against that calamity.

“It must be recollected, that when this plan was first announced to the public, its supporters cried it up as the most perfect production of human wisdom. It was represented either as having no defects, or if it had, they were so trifling and inconsiderable, that they served only, as the shades in a fine picture, to set off the piece to the greater advantage. One gentleman in Philadelphia went so far in the ardor of his enthusiasm in its favor, as to pronounce, that the men who formed it were as really under the guidance of Divine Revelation, as was Moses, the Jewish lawgiver. Their language is now changed; the question has been discussed; the objections to the plan ably stated, and they are admitted to be unanswerable.” (Anti-Federalist Papers #85)

Foundations and Empires

In a Tom Woods interview early this year, a declaration by a Libertarian British subject, Sean Gabb, claimed that the British were the means of elevating the economy, culture, and welfare of those nations they “conquered”, thereby enlarging their Empire. Their military forays into Africa and India supposedly elevated those native peoples to more modern standards of living. The logic is faulty, the philanthropy false, the history propaganda, and the abstraction self-flattering; for no people are enticed to embrace the English system (or any other) of self-government except through dominance, racial oppression, or subjugation. And they are surely not persuaded through socio-economic collapse. It is an oxymoron, a paradox, an expression of cognitive dissonance, born of an arrogant and depraved, humiliated mind. (When the British invaded, India was producing one fourth of the world’s total products, as were the Chinese. When they left, in excess of 30 million Indians had died from plagues and famine induced by British mismanagement, with native life expectancy having dropped by 20%. The Kikuyu in Africa experienced similar depredations.)

Self-government derives from the self, as does culture, prosperity, and felicity. These attributes of a happy life are not bequeathed by the edicts of an administrator or a regime. The ultimate end of Empires throughout history has been the implosion from within by the very corruption that spawned it. The result has been the subsumption of the old regime by another virulent, burgeoning empire. Rome took the Anglo-Saxons, then the Normans, the Gauls. The Visigoths took Rome, the Spanish took central and South America, the Brits took India and Africa, the Americans deposed and aligned the Brits, and have been destabilizing, invading, and subsuming every vulnerable nation on the planet since the Creature from Jekyl Island was born. Soon America will be subsumed by the Sino-Socialist empire. They will want their money back we borrowed from them to finance our militaristic depredations. When they are unable to derive compensation, and we are unable to intimidate them any further, war is the inevitable result.

Chalmers Johnson observed in his book, Nemesis, that the submitted budget by President Bush soon after the invasion of Iraq, equaled the nation’s GDP that year. This is equivalent to the products produced by every working citizen going directly to the military and Congress. Nobody made a profit for themselves that year. That was over a decade ago. The cost of a single cruise missile then was $750,000, which is consistent with the annual budget for a city of 10,000 inhabitants. Thousands of those exorbitant bombs have been exploded upon a predominantly innocent populace. The cost to us by comparison is the total cessation of a small city’s operating expenses; fire, police, public works, etc. for thousands of cities across America. For a short period in the mid 80s I was employed in the telemetry testing of the cruise missile. The drone was a mere fourteen feet long, and could have been built for less than $3,000 in mass quantities by the commercial sector. The waste and stupidity of the entire operation caused me to give up the job and return to commercial business, and I’ve refused to be employed by the nonsensical military machine since.

Wars are not fought over scarce resources.  They're fought to consolidate power.  One or more nations/States/political authorities seek to impose their will upon another, first politically, then economically, then militarily.  This has ever been the case back into mythological history. (Anatomy of Doom, Encounter with the Future)  The consolidation of power has never brought peace, but extended warfare and the ultimate destruction of nations, empires, and civilization. Consolidation of power is fueled by consolidation of money control.  Consolidation of power is a cancer of the human species, born of an individual’s refusal to tend to their own responsibilities and destiny and leave that of their neighbor’s to themselves. This fact is at the heart of every empire to ever exist on this planet. We provoked Germany and Japan into declaring war because of our market-driven sanctions. We are again provoking nations world-wide, and err long will find ourselves paying the ultimate price. Our military medical system is already overwhelmed by the volume of military veterans. Many of them come home with no place to go after discharge, but to beg on the streets, and either ignored or disparaged and scorned by an ignorant, uncaring public.

“Democratic” Imperialism is a disease of the Anglo-Saxon. It is the legacy of ancient Rome, as it is the form of government bequeathed to the Anglos when the Romans retreated from England in its final Empire death-throws. Its legacy has been passed down to empires since before the Flood. It is cousin to the Aryan racial sentiments promoted by National Socialism (Hitler admired the British for their Darwinian subjugation of the Indians). Their descendants have brought to the world not only the craftiness of political intrigue, subterfuge, and the foundation of collectivism (Fabian society and ilk), but the intergenerational burden of perpetual debt, under the guise of the Red shield monetary debt system.

It was commonly known among the English colonial inhabitants of the Revolutionary period that “…no nation pays less regard to the faith of treaties than the British.” (Newport Man, Anti-Federalist Papers #20) Belligerence and Betrayal are the outstanding features of Anglo-Saxon politics. Americans have inherited, perpetuated, and sharpened these two instruments of destruction to a fine degree since king George III. No sooner have the Washington cadre boxed in the economic and political affairs of a foreign nation, they promptly violate the treaty terms of their newly acquired vassal. They impose their way of life with racial insolence and therewith dismantle the cultural and economic stability of whatever nation they intervene in. Presently Obama is forging an IT treaty with China which the government has no intention on abiding. We are committing greater internet espionage on China than they. Numerous IT businesses are opposed to this treaty and are being ignored by the administration.

Constitutionalists, in particular the Libertarians, complain a lot about how that document has been misinterpreted or corrupted. What they don’t understand (as I did not until I learned my history lessons) is that document was written expressly to facilitate how it is being “violated.” It was conceived by elitist businessmen who had their hands in politics precisely for the purpose of allowing them to control the course of government, markets, and the value of money. The Federalist government was intended to consolidate all civil power in a single body. The construction of opposing, self-interested powers, with a defrocked president, as well as the Bill of Rights, was a bone these men threw to the anti-Federalists in order to get the basic transformation of the Confederation instituted. It was consummated upon a usurpation of power from the get-go, composed in secret, by and for business interests who wanted to gain control of their own money, away from the hands of the British monarch and banks. The easiest way to do that was to implement the same form of government as their ideological progenitors, with businessmen forming the new aristocratic class. The only route to preventing the wide-scale corruption it has spawned is an amended form of the early Confederate government on a small scale. The anti-Federalists knew this and tried to inform the public, citing the Swiss Republics. But the public then, as they are today, were grossly uninformed and don’t care. People generally want to go about their own business and not concern themselves with functions of government (except those who, like the Federalists, cannot refrain from imposing on their neighbors, even if it so be by the threat of bodily harm or imprisonment).

But Republics cannot and have never operated in this manner. Solon understood this and attempted to instruct Greece’s quarreling patricians in the arts of impartiality. Students of Greek history know how they lost their Republic and today are bankrupt. Students today knowledgeable in world financial and economic affairs are familiar with the collapse of Third World countries through the operations of American business interests and the IMF. This is how the game is played. We’ve been set up, and the next great fall will be us. Cecil Rhodes’ (South African politician and mining magnate) last will and testament aspired, “to establish a trust, to and for the establishment and promotion and development of a secret society, the true aim and object whereof shall be the extension of British rule throughout the world…and the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire.” ( Dope Inc: The Book that Drove Kissinger Crazy. The Editors of Executive Intelligence Review. Washington, DC. 1992.)

The concept of separation of powers has failed. The Senate of the United States of America has failed to carry out its mission. With no one but the populace to police their virtue, they have been bribed, blackmailed, suborned, and duped into destroying the very fabric of the Constitution, the hard-won Bill of Rights, and the institution of financial slavery of the citizenry. Wrote Gore Vidal:

“Our form of democracy is bribery on the highest scale.” (The United States of Amnesia) Come January 2017 we will see the notes of our profligacy come due.


Rosenfeld;  American Aurora
DiLorenzo; Hamilton's Curse
Anti-Federalist Papers
The Federalist Papers

Billington;  Fire in the Minds of Men
The Constitution of the United States of America
Hoyle;  Ch 2, Anatomy of Doom, Encounter with the Future
Johnson; Blowback, Nemesis, Dismantling the Empire
McClanahan; A Limiting Document?
Edmonds; Dennis Hastert, Portrait of a Political System Termite
Pilote; The History of Banking Control in the United States
Henderson; The Federal Reserve Cartel: Freemasons and The House of Rothschild
Ebling; Crony Capitalism the Cause of Society’s Problems