Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Cataclysm of 2012

Reading the political news about the New Hampshire polls this morning is a turn of the stomach.  Not one well-reasoned consideration for a Republican presidential candidate was reported.  That more intelligent reasons were not published is the fault of crass journalism.  It is a worthy, enlightening exercise to juxtapose today's political views in New Hampshire with those of the 1780's when the Constitution and Bill of Rights were being debated for ratification.  The nature of all living systems is entropy, and this encompasses political thought.  How far we have descended!

Ron Paul's Presidential campaign has gained momentum as his opposition has shown themselves to be the most inept, unreliable, ignorant choices for what once was considered a prestigious and influential position among nations.  Yet, the one thing that is lacking in Ron's constituency is the realization that a Constitutionalist in the White House is but one small piece of the solution.  Without a Congress of similarly persuaded representatives of the people, no President can hope to be effective in restoring the Bill of Rights, fiscal responsibility and frugality.  Without a Constitutionally driven Congress, the Patriot Act, and similar bills (like 1021 & 1022) will remain intact, and the office of President will become a scarecrow, to be replaced by a tyrant.

It is difficult not to observe similarities with the course of this nation in my lifetime with that of the Southern Jewish Kingdom 2000 years ago.  The northern tribes had been swept away, incorporated and dissolved into the populace of other nations.  The southern kingdom was hanging by a thread as it was repeatedly over-run by foreign invasion.  Their last desperate hope was the advent of a political Messiah.  What they got was a spiritual Messiah who they rejected as an insurrectionist, not against Rome, but against the Jewish Sanhedrin.  Had they been paying attention, they would have realized that the message of their spiritual Messiah was that freedom (and its attendant liberation) was a product of the soul, not the sword.  Had they hearkened to his counsel to Peter ("put up thy sword into its sheath..."), and his declaration to Pilate ("My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence."), they would not have been swept away within one generation and instead, outlived the tyranny of the Roman Empire with their culture intact.

Sixty years ago, a prescient journalist of political acumen, declared and elucidated the fall of liberty:

"I do not see how to escape the conclusion that, at any rate up to this point, military undertakings were once again being 'handled' to pursue the 'purposes' of groups which have become supremely powerful in America and England, and that these purposes were the opposite of any 'cause' publicly proclaimed. I think the aim is so to direct events that the last obstacles to the setting up of the despotic World State shall be broken down; and these are, the remaining rights of property and liberty in the American Republic and the British Island.
For the great secret which has been discovered in the Twentieth Century is this: that once you can get The Boys marching you can behind their backs destroy all these remaining obstacles. You can do anything at all! The solution to all problems lies in the magic words, Emergency Powers." (Douglas Reed, Far and Wide, p225)

The first experiment toward the enactment of "Emergency Powers" was the Twin Towers debacle, masterminded by the "Wizards Behind the Curtain" who have pulled the strings in major power centers of the world since before the time of Woodrow Wilson.  We can bet the next to be the detonation of nuclear weaponry within our borders as one of the next "emergency" acts, likely to precipitate out of the saber rattling against Iran.  What event actually produces a new "emergency" is irrelevant; several contingencies are in place, all of which lead to the suppression of the citizenry (far worse than what President John Adams carried out), and the economic and political fall of the "United" States of America as the last hope for liberty in the world.

Like the VietNam era, soldiers returning from today's foreign wars are savvy to what is really taking place in these war zones, and many are seeking to put a stop to this insanity, just as their fathers tried forty years ago.  But the American public will have their tyranny, for their heritage has been lost through Entitlements.  Everywhere you look, the major objection to the Constitutionalist candidates is the loss of Entitlements instituted and expanded since the first stock market crash.  "We the People" have lost the meaning of "the experiment in self-government", believing it to be the act of democracy, rather than the pearl of the heart.  "We the People" have been duped into believing President Wilson's declaration that the world can be "made safe for democracy" at the point of a gun barrel. "We the People" have been duped into believing President Bush that democracy can be imposed on third world countries still operating upon tribal customs and laws, forgetting that our own Independence came not from external power, but through the internalized concept of "self-government."

Douglas Reed foresaw the culmination of the flatening of independent nations:

"The 'emergency' goes on and clearly will continue until the forces which now dominate national governments succeed in their aim of reducing the English-speaking world to slave status within their World State, or are exposed and defeated. In that grand design of the twentieth century Korea is but a stepping-stone towards the final stage of Armageddon." (Douglas Reed, Far and Wide, p235)

There are those religious forces in America who declare we are a Christian nation, all the while pressing for the return of their political Messiah through hastening Armageddon.  To these hypocrites I reiterate the words of their revered Master: "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead [men's] bones, and of all uncleanness." "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not... in thy name done many wonderful works?"  "...then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

Oh there will be catastrophes around the planet this year, as the sun and the solar system pass through a different phase, for the Celestial clock ticks on.  The real cataclysm however, will be of man's own making.  The stage is set for The Day of the Tyrant.
