Friday, October 15, 2021

 The Constitution of the American Federal Republic

“The people cannot delegate to government the power to do anything which would be unlawful for them to do themselves.”—John Locke

If a committee is a life form with six or more legs and no brain, what is a Convention composed of 55 indebted and aristocratically biased delegates (and 34 absentees)?  A dominion orgy. The war of insurrection/secession from Britain was primarily about the money problem, and even more so in generating the push for a Convention revising the Articles of Confederation. For 245 years it has always been in this country the money question; who makes it, who controls it, who profits by its manipulation.

The motive force behind the Constitution of 1787 was not a politically imperiled country. This is a propagandized myth built on deliberate obfuscation. It was an economically imperiled one until it recovered in 1785. After the “Revolution” concluded in 1783 American manufacturing exploded. In some areas it nearly doubled from pre-war levels. Once the restrictions on trade and money—banking, by Britain were lifted prosperity rapidly turned to a glut and then depression. Inevitably this led to lobbying of governments for trade protection, political privilege, and price supports (taxes and tariffs) in order to prevent business collapse. The Articles of Confederation were blamed for being “too weak” to force the issue of finance and economic exclusivity, but not because of foreign political threat.

“The want of some authority which should procure justice to the public creditors, and an observance of treaties with foreign nations, produced the call of a convention of the states at Annapolis.—Thomas Jefferson

“the movement for the Constitution originated with and was pushed through by ‘a small and active group of men immediately interested through their personal possessions in the outcome of their labors . . . . The propertyless masses were . . . excluded at the outset from participation (through representatives) in the work of framing the Constitution. The members of the Philadelphia Convention which drafted the Constitution were, with a few exceptions, immediately, directly, and personally interested in, and derived economic advantage from, the establishment of the new system.’"  Professor Charles Beard quoted in We the People p5

It has been so ever since unto this day of national bankruptcy and personal indebtedness. The entire motive force for creation of the Constitution was from the merchant class who sought exclusive control of business and money by political means. The merchants and businessmen of the mid 1700’s were so jealous of their profits they divested religions from feeding at the trough of government taxation so they could do it themselves. Those men actually wrote this into the Constitution for all to see, and the ratification process crammed it down the throats of three million inhabitants. The “Revolutionary” War, like the Civil War, was never about general liberty for all. The liberation of slaves was a distraction from what was really happening—the establishment of complete and supreme power of the Federal government. Wars have been and always will be about greed with the more wealthy seizing and maintaining economic control of government for their own maintenance and profit. It was just as true of the Roman Empire’s expansion (plundering to pay for Rome’s profligacy) as it has been of every empire before them and since.

“All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible. Such people have a tendency to become drunk on violence, a condition to which they are quickly addicted.” Chapterhouse: Dune

“…force always attracts men of low morality, and I believe it to be an invariable rule that tyrants of genius are succeeded by scoundrels.” Astronomer Erwin Finlay-Freundlich quoted in The Farce of Physics

The Constitution of 1787 was written to consolidate control of the country’s latent wealth into the hands of a few financial oligarchs. As soon as it was ratified (by limited plebiscite vote, not legislative) these men competed and still compete with each other for that control. The Federal Republic, a new Merchant State, was founded on the idea of government bailout to resolve the insolvency and profligacy of business. Many Christian sects including Mormonism, consider the production of the Federal Constitution an inspired document, “men raised up to that purpose” in the case of Mormonism. How they can hold Liberty congruent with democratic equality is the epitome of Orwell’s Double Think. The nonsense of the Constitution’s preamble has been amply exposed in previous blogs. We then should examine for what purpose all the chicanery of offices and respective duties itemized therein were invented. What is obvious to the student of English history is that the Constitution’s intent and purpose was rooted in the Norman invasion and subjugation of the common English man. He who possesses the gold makes the rules.

Effectively, with the advent of Washington’s administration, the Constitution’s Bill of Rights (proposed 3-4-1789, ratified 12-15-1791) was honored in name only. The first thing the Federal Congress did after its election was set up economic controls, with the time honored thievery brought to England by the Norman invaders, to facilitate legal larceny. They first imposed tariffs, which are costs always covered by the consumer, not the supplier. This action is not as visible as the second act of robbery, taxes. This form of tax that threatened to rip the fragile republic asunder was Hamilton’s excise tax on all liquor production, the most odious of taxes among the Colonial union and its parent country. It was his intention to use that theft (a modern sheriff of Notingham), to cover the borrowed funds he obtained from the Rothschild bankers to fund the first National bank. And like every other banker of the time, leverage those proceeds through loans beyond available assets. Among other “investments” the purchasing of all the war debt certificates held by the common poor who spent their meager savings supporting the costs thereof. That Hamilton and his associates were buying them up at a fraction of their face value was not known among their holders until considerable extraction of wealth had been achieved. Is it any wonder those freedom-loving pioneers in the Western lands rebelled against a tax they had no direct control of in its enactment? It wasn’t taxation by representation, but taxation by fiat, enacted by “representatives” who inherently by appointment engaged in a conflict of interest.

This process, characteristic of the Federal Government, has always been the modis operandi since the beginning of America as a Nation. Who were they who concocted this scheme of back-door thievery?

Public Creditors; 80%
Land Speculators & Lenders; 30%
Industrialists/Traders & Shippers (15)/Lawyers (34); 20%
Investors/Speculators in public funds (at least 60% fictitious); >50%
Military veterans; 75%
Cincinnati members (27) among veterans (>41); 20%
Delegates in deep debt; >50% (debt suits brought by both British and American merchants were like weeds after rain)
The list could be more definitive, but the essence of what is written in the Constitution appeared there for the express purpose of resolving their money problems. The whole of it brings into sharp focus Franklin’s admonition that if they did not hang together in the Convention process, they would all surely hang separately. Just like today, they exploited the American economic system to their own advantage, with the typical solution of leaving the lowest on the economic rung holding the bag of worthless currency. Whether it is the codification of this practice in the Constitution, in business or trade, or Just in Time manufacturing, or government bailouts, there is always that group at the bottom who end up paying the most severely for the profligacy of these shysters.

“No attempt or pretence, that was ever carried into practical operation amongst civilized men—unless possibly the pretence of a ‘Divine Right,’ on the part of some, to govern and enslave others embodied so much of shameless absurdity, falsehood, impudence, robbery, usurpation, tyranny, and villainy of every kind, as the attempt or pretence of establishing a government by consent, and getting the actual consent of only so many as may be necessary to keep the rest in subjection by force. Such a government is a mere conspiracy of the strong against the weak. It no more rests on consent than does the worst government on earth.” Lysander Spooner p18 The Constitution of No Authority

“…there is not the slightest probability that there is a single man in the country, who both understands what the Constitution really is, and sincerely supports it for what it really is. The ostensible supporters of the Constitution, like the ostensible supporters of most other governments, are made up of three classes, viz.:
1. Knaves, a numerous and active class, who see in the government an instrument which they can use for their own aggrandizement or wealth.
2. Dupes—a large class, no doubt—each of whom, because he is allowed one voice out of millions in deciding what he may do with his own person and his own property, and because he is permitted to have the same voice in robbing, enslaving, and murdering others, that others have in robbing, enslaving, and murdering himself, is stupid enough to imagine that he is a ‘free man,’ a ‘sovereign’; that this is ‘a free government’; ‘a government of equal rights,’ ‘the best government on earth,’ and such like absurdities.

3. A class who have some appreciation of the evils of government, but either do not see how to get rid of them, or do not choose to so far sacrifice their private interests as to give themselves seriously and earnestly to the work of making a change.” p26 The Constitution of No Authority

The essential part of the Constitution (Article One, sections 8-10) covers the jurisdiction over what parts of society and its economy they laid claim to:

“Congress has power to:
Lay Taxes, Uniform Duties, Imposts & Excises among States
Pay all Debts
Provide for common defense
Provide for the general welfare
Borrow Money
Regulate commerce; with foreign nations and Indian Tribes, among States
Uniform bankruptcy laws among States
Uniform Naturalization
Uniform Standards of Weights and Measures
Create coin/money; States excluded
Regulate the value of domestic and foreign currency
Punish producers of counterfeit currency and securities
Create roads
Create Post offices
Create limited patent rights to inventors
Create limited copyrights to the Arts
Create tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court
Define and punish felonies, piracies, and offences to international Law
Declare war
Create Letters of Marque and Reprisal (Authorization of a Federal agent to arm ships or capture enemy merchant ships)
Create rules for capture on land or water
Create and support by monetary appropriation armies up to two years
Create and maintain a Navy
Call forth militas from the several States to suppress insurrections, repel invasions, execute Federal laws
Provide for organizing, disciplining, arming, and governing of a Militia (Rank and training reserved to the States conforming to Congressional mandates)
Exclusive legislation for the seat of Federal government
Authority over all forts, magazines, arsenals. dock yards, and government buildings in the States
Create law for the execution of all above powers, and other powers vested in the Federal government with its officers
Control of immigration after 1808; laying an importation tax not exceeding $10
Habeas Corpus (Court summons determining detention) suspended during rebellion or invasion to secure Public safety
No Bill of Attainder (forfeiture of property of outlaws or death row inmates); States included
No ex-post-facto laws; States included
No head or other direct tax, except by census proportion
No tax or duty on exports; States included, Import/Export duties and imposts without Congressional consent, excepting inspection law costs with proceeds to Federal treasury
Uniform regulation of interstate commerce; no duties on interstate vessels
Treasury withdrawal by law only; accounts thereof published
No titles of nobility; States included
No emoluments, nor titles granted by foreign States or officers except by Congressional consent; States included
Treaties, alliances, or Confederations the sole prerogative of Congress
States may produce gold or silver coin to pay debts
Consent of Congress required for States to lay duty of tonnage, keep troops or warships in peacetime, engage in treaties, engage in war except by invasion or imminent danger
Article 4:
    Full faith and credit between States
    Universal citizenship among States
    Universal extradition of criminals among States
    Universal service or labor honored among States
    Authority over Territories or property of the Federal Republic
    Guarantee Republican government among States
    Guarantee support against domestic violence to all States
Article 5:
    Suffrage guaranteed to all State Legislatures in the Senate
    Amendment provisions
Article 6:
    Confederation debts and engagements remain valid
The Constitution and all laws and treaties consistent with it are supreme above all States and the Judiciary”

This is what the Congress of the Federal Republic had power to do or not, prior to the fixing of Amendments. It is an Hobbesian concoction. Does this look like the establishment of Justice (Law is not justice) and securing the blessings of Liberty? Do the citizens or the States require paternalistic intervention to promote their general welfare? What the Federal Constitution does is itemize the extent of its authority and control over all other governments within its jurisdiction, and what the citizens thereof may not have power to do. That courts and their officers administer justice under these provisions is a burlesque, and the assertion of these powers and privileges does not secure Liberty, but restricts it, all under the guise of Congress, the President, and the Federal Judiciary upholding them by oath.

Justice exists to the extent that injustice is prevented. Likewise, Liberty exists to the extent that control, authority, or dominion is prevented. The Constitution as formed is largely a positive declaration of reserved privileges and cannot accomplish the objectives specified in its preamble. A person’s general welfare is a direct consequence of their own sovereignty. No person or Agency may interfere with that objective, even if by foolish consent. It was upon that principle, that concept, that the Articles of Confederation were composed. This is a metaphor of Gresham’s law: “Bad money drives out good.” Bad government quickly drives out good.

The Anglo-Saxon-Normans never cease to congratulate themselves on their sagacity at inventing various democratic feudalisms. They like to call it Liberty, and the first thing they did was compose an organizational plan of legal plunder, coercion, and subjugation, with limits thereof on paper which they then ignore. The seeds of a war of secession were planted within it, which came to fruition seventy-four years later.

“A strict constitutionalist might indeed say that the constitution died in 1861, and one would have to scratch one's head pretty diligently to refute him.” p86 Our Enemy, the State

Such abhorrence to abiding their own rules and edicts derive from a long history of feudalistic plunder and privilege. The only liberty in it at all is the opportunity granted to themselves by possession of collective power to enforce their collective Will, and they do this in league with lenders of fraudulent money. The tragedy is they do not grasp that collective consent, that is, representative government, is the very basis of collectivism of property and tyranny. Collective consent is the very basis of collectivism of property and tyranny.

One of the most fallacious doctrines to arise in Anglo-Saxon-Norman political science is that Rights inherent in each man can be conferred or extended to another man or bodies of men. They cannot if they are indeed inalienable. At best, only the subordinate authority to act in one’s interests can do so, and that only by the consent of all others to honor such an agreement. It’s foundation extends before that of Greece or Rome, to the very notion of incompetence—that certain persons are incapable of making moral decisions, thus needing an Agent or Force to act in their stead, thereby usurping such individuals of their autonomy and sovereignty over their own lives.

Not long into the study of the Federal Constitutional convention the investigator discovers the appointed delegates by the Continental Congress, commissioned to revise the Articles of Confederation, did no such thing. Three times the issue was brought before the assembly, and each time it was rejected. Instead they produced a document restructuring the Union of States into a National government, with powers over the States. This act, produced in secret, was a conspiracy, and what they did was commit fraud by conspiracy upon the Continental Congress, the States, and the citizenry. In English common law such fraudulent agreements and declarations are void and non-binding. But at the behest of George Washington (President of the Convention), in a letter to Congress, they rolled over and complied with it. What citizens today do not understand for deliberate obfuscation of the details in public education is, all debates, referendums, ratifications, and elections subsequent to an act of fraud are also void. They seem to comprehend this with the 2020 election cycle, but have yet to connect the dots in regard to creation of the Federal Constitution. It does not matter who supported it, nor how many, nor why. A fraud is still a fraud, and the Federal Convention’s deliberations remain an infringement upon the Rights of Man as enumerated in the Declaration of Independence, to wit: ‘when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government,…’” With the ratification of the Constitution, all predicatory principle outlined in the Declaration was trashed.

We have those “delegates” to the US Constitutional Convention to thank for the rise of the Trust magnates and Megacorporations that followed in their wake over the ensuing centuries. It was they who set the precedent for the special privileges of the rich and political favoritism that ensured it, by political design. Through tariffs, taxes, and discriminatory legislation these men assured for themselves and their posterity, wealth and power in a never-ending dynasty of Fascism. We have them to thank for the plundering of the common folk until not is left but a few rich and a surfeit of poor, existing as feudal slaves. The “Federal” government they created was expressly written for this purpose; to give them sole control over those elemental powers of prosperity.

The US of A has not become fascist. It was declared fascist in principle on foolscap, and given the label of Republic in an attempt to conceal the impending extortion, plunder, and oppression imposed by those who had and never have since relented in their intent to rule. Today we behold the mature face the Constitution sculpted with the tyranny of Corporative alliances (the Bilderberg Group, etc) inflicted by the Medical Establishment. Totalitarianism has always and forever been fueled by corporate greed.

“All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible. Such people have a tendency to become drunk on violence, a condition to which they are quickly addicted.” Chapterhouse: Dune

“…force always attracts men of low morality, and I believe it to be an invariable rule that tyrants of genius are succeeded by scoundrels.” Astronomer Erwin Finlay-Freundlich quoted in The Farce of Physics

The U.S. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was written in 1892 by socialist minister Francis Bellamy, in order to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Columbus discovering the New World, though Columbus never set foot on the Continental mass of the now forty-eight States. It was officially recognized by Congress June 22, 1942, when it was formally included in the U.S. Flag Code. Originally, it was executed in conjunction with a hand salute adopted by the Nazi military. From the day I was first introduced to pledging this loyalty oath in grammar school, standing on the grounds before a hoisted flag, I experienced the cognitive dissonance that disturbed my thoughts every time it was uttered: Why should I pledge allegiance to a piece of cloth? The excuse proffered by my public indoctrinators was that the flag represented the original Colonies, its war for independence, and the union that was born from it. But of those details I knew very little, and of loyalty and allegiance nothing. Since that distant day, I came to understand that sovereignty was the basis of human rights, called Natural Rights, and the foundation of Natural Law. Therefore, if I was sovereign in these affairs, then that inherent power supercedes government power, for government power composed of voluntary association is subservient to individual power. Instead of my pledging allegiance to a State represented by its flag, that State should avow its submission and complicity with my sovereign power in Natural Rights and Law. To perform such a pledge to the State is surrendering personal sovereignty to it, and acceding to its whims as a vassal, below that of a squire, if not a slave.

I have never legally sworn allegiance to the Federal Republic of America, nor to sustain or uphold its Constitution, save for the brief period I served in its Air Force (or for that matter any other so-called government), which oath was of no efficacy. Informally, as a duped citizen I pledged allegiance to its flag, until I realized that I had never legally consented to the terms and conditions specified in State or National charters. Therefore, all assertions by their representatives are baseless and without efficacy with regard to my person, property, association, conscience, or futurity. As a citizen such allegiance is assenting to forced fraternity, unity, organization, and association. This is of exceeding significance, for the Constitution of the Federal Republic which it created, and which superseded the Confederacy of States preceding it, not only dissolved that “United States” to be then incorporated into a Republic, but it specifically REMOVES by edict several individual powers presumed to be inalienable by Declaration! These two facts escape the cognition of virtually every citizen. Joe Biden and Anthony Fouci in similitude of George Washington, have all asserted that every American citizen must surrender a portion of their Sovereign Rights for the good of the Federal Republic. Bolshevism 2.0.

Liberty requires no ideology. It requires no system. It only requires a simple moral code: get permission to be involved in the affairs of others. If the citizens of the American Federation want to live by the ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence, they will have to abandon the experiment of the Federal Constitution, and create a Union founded on preserving individual Rights integral to such Union. It must be a Union of strict negatives declaring what no person nor group of persons in any form may do to infringe upon inalienable Rights. Simple laws to that effect, and the punishment for their transgression while maintaining the Rights of the transgressor are all that is necessary to secure Liberty, remove Injustice, and allow all to flourish therein.

 “A bitter lesson emerged from the disruptions in New England, one that was reinforced elsewhere by corruption, demagoguery, and the refusal or inability of Congress and the several states to honor their obligations. The lesson, as some were candid enough to put it, was that the American public did not possess a sufficient stock of virtue to sustain a republic, as republics had traditionally been conceived. Man did not have such virtue naturally, nor did he obtain it by laboring in the earth, nor did many men acquire it through religious instruction.” p179 Novus Ordo Seclorum

“Federalism defeated unity and created a chaos of ever more inextricable laws. It is the feudal regime reclothed with democratic forms.” –Lafayette P195  Fire in the Minds of Men

“No secret cabal can corrupt a country that doesn’t want to be corrupted, no matter how slick they are. If America does self-destruct, it will be because in the end it chose to.”—Spider Robinson p203 Very Hard Choices

“If a guy has absolute power, then what could you possibly corrupt him with? Acton got it backward: what engenders corruption is paranoia, the perception of inadequate power. Absolute power renders you absolutely immune to corruption.”—Spider Robinson p37 Off the Wall at Callahan’s

Lord Acton
“The man who prefers his country before any other duty shows the same spirit as the man who surrenders every right to the state. They both deny that right is superior to authority.”

“The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.”

“And remember, where you have a concentration of power in a few hands, all too frequently men with the mentality of gangsters get control.

“To create a national assembly the first revolutionaries invoked the principle of the general will and claimed to be its mandatories. It is curious to observe how this principle carried them on its crest in so far as it assisted the foundation of a new Power, but went underground at the first sign of its causing that Power embarrassment.” Bertrand de Jouvenel p249 On Power

“The practical difficulty with our government has been, that most of those who have administered it, have taken it for granted that the Constitution, as it is written, was a thing of no importance; that it neither said what it meant, nor meant what it said; that it was gotten up by swindlers, (as many of its authors doubtless were,) who said a great many good things, which they did not mean, and meant a great many bad things, which they dared not say; that these men, under the false pretence of a government resting on the consent of the whole people, designed to entrap them into a government of a part; who should be powerful and fraudulent enough to cheat the weaker portion out of all the good things that were said, but not meant, and subject them to all the bad things that were meant, but not said. And most of those who have administered the government, have assumed that all these swindling intentions were to be carried into effect, in the place of the written Constitution.”
“No attempt or pretence, that was ever carried into practical operation amongst civilized men—unless possibly the pretence of a ‘Divine Right,’ on the part of some, to govern and enslave others embodied so much of shameless absurdity, falsehood, impudence, robbery, usurpation, tyranny, and villainy of every kind, as the attempt or pretence of establishing a government by consent, and getting the actual consent of only so many as may be necessary to keep the rest in subjection by force. Such a government is a mere conspiracy of the strong against the weak. It no more rests on consent than does the worst government on earth.” Lysander Spooner p18 The Constitution of No Authority

“These classes [industrialist/trader vs farmer/debtor] aimed at bringing in the British system of economics, politics and judicial control, on a nation-wide scale; and the interests grouped in the second division saw that what this would really come to was a shifting of the incidence of economic exploitation upon themselves. They had an impressive object-lesson in the immediate shift that took place in Massachusetts after the adoption of John Adams's local constitution of 1780. They naturally did not care to see this sort of thing put into operation on a nation-wide scale, and they therefore looked with extreme disfavour upon any bait put forth for amending the Articles out of existence. When Hamilton, in 1780, objected to the Articles in the form in which they were proposed for adoption, and proposed the calling of a constitutional convention instead, they turned the cold shoulder; as they did again to Washington's letter to the local governors three years later, in which he adverted to the need of a strong coercive central authority.” p77 Our Enemy, the State

“The law is the organization of the natural right of lawful defense. It is the substitution of a common force for individual forces. And this common force is to do only what the individual forces have a natural and lawful right to do: to protect persons, liberties, and properties; to maintain the right of each, and to cause justice to reign over us all.” p3 The Law

By “stupid greed and false philanthropy….the law has placed the collective force at the disposal of the unscrupulous who wish, without risk, to exploit the person, liberty, and property of others. It has converted plunder into a right, in order to protect plunder. And it has converted lawful defense into a crime, in order to punish lawful defense.” P4 The Law

“It is evident, then, that the proper purpose of law is to use the power of its collective force to stop this fatal tendency to plunder instead of to work. All the measures of the law should protect property and punish plunder.” P6 The Law

“It is impossible to introduce into society a greater change and a greater evil than this: the conversion of the law into an instrument of plunder…. it erases from everyone's conscience the distinction between justice and injustice.” P8 The Law

“The aim of an arbitrary system is to destroy the civil rights of the whole population, who ultimately become just as outlawed in their own country as the stateless and homeless. The destruction of a man’s rights, the killing of the juridical person in him, is a prerequisite for dominating him entirely. And this applies not only to special categories such as criminals, political opponents, Jews, homosexuals, on whom the early experiments were made, but to every inhabitant of a totalitarian state.” P422 Origin of Totalitarianism

“After murder of the moral person and annihilation of the juridical person, the destruction of the individuality is almost always successful. Conceivably some laws of mass psychology may be found to explain why millions of human beings allowed themselves to be marched unresistingly into the gas chambers, although these laws would explain nothing else but the destruction of individuality. It is more significant that those individually condemned to death very seldom attempted to take one of their executioners with them, that there were scarcely any serious revolts, and that even in the moment of liberation there were very few spontaneous massacres of SS men. For to destroy individuality is to destroy spontaneity, man's power to begin something new out of his own resources, something that cannot be explained on the basis of reactions to environment and events. Nothing then remains
but ghastly marionettes with human faces, which all behave like the dog tion, are reliably dominated in every aspect of their life. In the realm of foreign affairs new neutral territories must constantly be subjugated, while at home ever-new human groups must be mastered in expanding concentration
camps, or, when circumstances require, liquidated to make room for others. The question of opposition is unimportant both in foreign and domestic affairs. Any neutrality, indeed any spontaneously given friendship, is from the standpoint of totalitarian domination just as dangerous as open hostility, precisely because spontaneity as such, with its incalculability, is the greatest of all obstacles to total domination over man.” Pp427-428 Origin of Totalitarianism

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

 Hierarchy vs Self Organizing

It is a common fallacy assumed among humans that if they do not have a government, then chaos will ensue. What they do not understand is that governments are formally organized hierarchies, and there is always a person at the apex directing the affairs of the rest through a chain of command. One of the few astute observations made by journalist Ilana Mercer characterizes the hierarchical mentality:

"The military is government. The military works like government; is financed like government, and sports many of the same inherent malignancies of government, chief of which is its liberalism. Like the government, the military is freighted with pathological political correctness."
The need for Government, “the exercise of formal authority, control, and rule” (Webster) is always perpetrated by those people who cannot exist without rigid structure in their lives. They are uncomfortable being without some outside force giving them direction, steering them through the unknown, it being fraught with fear and anxiety. Said Eric Hoffer:
“A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people's business. This minding of other people's business expresses itself in gossip, snooping and meddling, and also in feverish interest in communal, national and racial affairs. In running away from ourselves we either fall on our neighbor's shoulder or fly at his throat.”
The “leader” and the “led” are of the same cloth; neither can tolerate weakness in themselves and will do what is the most fundamental principle of creation: coagulate together, like to like. Soon, it becomes a mass movement to substitute what is lacking within—self-confidence, self-esteem, and the sense of identity those internal states generate. Such people have no reference point to distinguish between chaos and anarchy. To them, the absence of an hierarchy is the worst of all evils, for it is chaos to them. They do not know how to self-govern. Anarchy to them IS chaos, and such persons cannot endure the existence of chaos. And if chaos is introduced into society, they will run in panic to create an hierarchy to put an end to it. Biden, Washington, Hitler, Lenin, Rousseau, Charlemagne, Julius Cesar, Genghis Khan. Revolutionaries. People who cannot tolerate the looseness and confusion of the Democratic process. To them it is chaos. They cannot tolerate weakness in others, for it is a reminder of that weakness they cannot endure in themselves. We see the pattern emerge in our time with the fall of the Weimar Republic:

“The years of the Weimar Constitution which followed were for most Germans a time of irritation and frustration. Used as they were to commands from above and respect for authority, they found the loose, irreverent democratic order all confusion and chaos. They were shocked to realize ‘that they had to participate in government, choose a party, and pass judgment upon political matters.’ They longed for a new corporate whole, more monolithic, all-embracing and glorious to behold than even the Kaiser regime had been—and the Third Reich more than answered their prayer. Hitler's totalitarian regime, once established, was never in danger of mass revolt. So long as the ruling Nazi hierarchy was willing to shoulder all responsibilities and make all decisions, there was not the least chance for any popular antagonism to arise.” Pp44-45 The True Believer
“When people revolt in a totalitarian society, they rise not against the wickedness of the regime but its weakness.” P43 The True Believer
We still today have a memory of how far that hierarchical accountability extended during the Nuremburg Trials.

The revolutionaries of the American Colonial period were of that merchant and business class that had founded them a century before. What were they revolting over? Benjamin Franklin put it so succinctly:
“The inability of the Colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of George III and the international bankers was the prime reason for the revolutionary war.”
How was it they lost control of their money?? There was a grand weakness in the Colonial monetary system, one that threatened to dissolve all the wealth those Revolutionary men had laboriously built up. The problem was, Franklin had provoked the abandonment of universal precious metal currency in favor of paper backed by land, forty-six years before the inception of military skirmishes. The Colonists could not pay their taxes to Britain with Colonial script! All issues pertaining to Liberty Americans have been told since were at the heart of the American Insurrection, were subordinate to this chief problem. It wasn’t the taxes per se:
“The Colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters, had it not been the poverty caused by the bad influence of the English bankers on the Parliament: which has caused in the Colonies hatred of England, and the Revolutionary War.”
Franklin did not want to admit here that his monetary policy left the English bankers little choice. That poverty came about not due to the British counterfeiting which came later, but because the monetary systems were unstable in relation to each other. Remember that where land became the icon of wealth after 1729, speculators appeared like mushrooms throughout the Colonies, and Washington like so many others got involved in the land “banks,” making claim to frontier land that they had no right to. The Natives who had inhabited the land were inconsequential, and they who had never thought of “owning” land which they considered was given to all by the Creator, were at a distinct disadvantage where preserving their inheritance was concerned. Speculation can only exist in a climate of monetary instability. We see its feverish panic as a reflection of the massive spending sprees of Congress over the last half century. We see in this Hoffer’s observation:
“…the technique of a mass movement aims to infect people with a malady and then offer the movement as a cure.” P54 The True Believer
What was the aim of the American mass movement? The same as it was for the bay colonies, for Christopher Columbus’ exploration and exploitation. The same for every immigrant who has ever sought refuge “ yearning to breathe free.” But what they find here is not “Freedom,” but a system where everybody oppresses everybody else, under the umbrella of the wealthy oligarchy who plunders them through a fluctuating monetary policy of debt.

He who has the Gold makes the Rules, and it does not matter what form that gold consists of. They, who are euphemistically called “Founding Fathers” (are we the Founder’s children?), put together a system of national government to supply the defects of their monetary policy of at least fifty-eight years. To that end, they claimed control of the money creation and supply, the right to impose tariffs and taxes,  to regulate trade among all the Colonies, to dictate through Congressional  and Judicial edict what was the supreme law. Most disliked this idea, and warned against the loss of Liberty. And with good reason, for Liberty in its elemental form exists where there are no limitations to one’s actions. But in a society, Liberty must be limited to the extent it infringes upon the Liberties of its members. But by definition, government cannot do anything but infringe on liberty, and thus becomes the very means Bastiat warned destroys it. The Framers made the most common error of the Ages; converting the right of common defense into the right of common aggression.

All this those Framers sought to do to dismiss the monetary, economic, and social chaos they had collectively incurred upon themselves. For them, the only solution against the disagreement and disunity among the various Colonies was something stronger and more irresistible than the deliberately loose Confederation that came into existence in the middle of the Insurrection. To solve that chaos and compel compliance, they modeled the British Imperial government with the substitute idea that men of vested interest, that is, men of property would have the privilege of setting on its councils, under the charade of balanced powers (meaning presumed competing interests), and regulate the affairs of all men according to their predilections. Everyone else had to step in line or be juridically punished. To make it palatable to those less advantaged, they affixed the “People’s” name to it, offered limited participation through a scheme of wealth acquisition, having the audacity to call such restrained democracy a “Limited Republic.”  For them, this was establishing order in the midst of chaos. For those who did not want it, saw no reasonable need for it, and heartily wished to see the enterprise fail, their lives went from chaos to tyranny worse than under the British crown and his Parliament.

Now the crux of the matter is Chaos and Anarchy are nor synonymous. Anarchy is the absence of government. It is the state of political disorder. Webster is wrong in associating the idea of Lawlessness with Anarchy. This word derives from the Greek, anarch, which means “without a leader.” The Apache did not have a leader, as did most all the Native American tribes. The Jews did not have a leader until they abandoned their heritage and installed Saul as king. Geese do not have a leader. Bovine and Equine and Fish do not have leaders. People confuse the appearance of ad-hoc structure among the animal domains as hierarchical. But they are not hierarchical, because what puts structure into their “communities” is shared vision.” It is only among that select group of humans, insecure within themselves, who form hierarchies, structures with a chain of command and imposed restrictions from the top, who create governments, the worst of these is not Democracy (the political system in which no one has their say for very long),  “purposeless, irrational, subject to public opinion and passing fashions, rambling, confused, underhanded, scheming, in love with its own purity”, but all forms of Republics. In any Republic, by definition, the supreme power is vested in the electorate, which necessarily must be limited, or it becomes a Democracy. The problem with a Republic is that is by its nature, a caste society.

Anarchy on the other hand, is the epitome of self-government. It is the refusal to allow anyone the privilege or power to control or rule their life, to put them by coercion or persuasion into submission or subservience. Anarchy is the finest expression of autonomy, otherwise known as soveriegnty. Doctor Thomas Szasz put it this way:
“The Greeks regarded liberty as synonymous with virtue, a condition the person could forfeit, by insufficient self-control or intemperance. This view—which is not wholly foreign to us—meshed with their belief that only certain persons could be self-governing, able to form and be members of the polis (that is, certain Greek-speaking, male adults); all others were regarded as unable to govern themselves and therefore unfit to be a part of the political community. This conception formed the basis of Aristotle's political philosophy and of Plato's Republic, which is a blueprint of a caste society in which each person plays the role for which he is best ‘fitted.’” p103 Meaning of Mind
It has been observed that Republics always die in chaos. (“…republics tend to become imperial and tyrannous, they [then] collapse and we’re back to Chaos” Gary North) The reason has always been the same—civil virtue departs from those appointed to maintain Liberty, seduced by affluence, advantage, and venality. One need not look much further than the Bidens or ex-premier Gladys Berejiklian to see that totalitarianism follows in its wake. Money and power, those twins of affluence, soon convinces them of their invincibility and infallibility.

Hierarchy is not the same kind of organization that characterizes geese. When they flock, they have a shared vision of their destination, and the bird that takes point to conserve the flock’s energy is the one most rested. All the others form up as happens at the moment. The same thing happened in 1930s America during the Public Works projects:
“A construction company was about to build a road in the mountains and the man in charge, instead of getting his workers from an employment agency, sent two trucks to skid row, and anybody who could get on the truck was hired even if he had only one leg. When the trucks were full, the drivers put in the tailgates and drove us east, where they dumped us on the side of a hill. The company had only one man on the job. We found bundles of supplies and equipment. Surveyors marked out the road and we had to build it. I saw something fantastic taking place. One of us, who had a pencil and a notebook, took down the names, and we started to sort ourselves out. We had so many carpenters, blacksmiths, bulldozer and jackhammer men, so many cooks, first-aid men, and even foremen. We put up the tents, cook shack, toilet, and shower bath, and next morning we went out to build the road. It was an expert job. The rock walls and flumes were works of art. State inspectors hovered around us but could find no fault. The work proceeded automatically. Could a thing like this happen in Russia or anywhere else? I thought, If we had to write a constitution, there would be someone who knew all the whereases and wherefores. We were a shovel full of slime scooped off the pavement of skid row, yet we could have built America on the side of a hill.” P46-47 Truth Imagined
Peter Senge wrote about this phenomenon of self-government in his book, The Fifth Discipline. Chief among its characteristic is Shared Vision. Exactly what birds have. What the Apache once had before they were eradicated as a people. Modern corporate America has debased the idea of shared vision by imposing from the top, the company’s vision, in typical hierarchical style. Of course it was a farce which no employee paid serious attention to. Consistent with shared vision is Personal Mastery, which in essence the old idea of Virtue—the pursuit of personal excellence.

Anyone who has participated in neighborhood projects, whether ecological, educational, or charitable knows how people can self-govern, no different than when traffic lights turn flashing red, Independence Day crowds and movie drive-in customers self-regulate their exiting without external control. It was this lack of a government that brought Western civilization to the Western Hemisphere. None of these men needed a Constitution to know what needed to be done, how to cooperate, when to lead and when to follow. Neither did America’s explorers and Mountain Men. The Apache did not need a government to outmaneuver and fend off the US Cavalry to the discomfiture of Washington.  The same has been true of the townships of the 19th century western territories, the California and Alaskan mining camps.

It has ever been government that corrupts it (e.g. the Federal government’s involvement with liquor during Prohibition), and the source of endless conflicts. Governments always begin with Revolutionaries, discomfited intellectuals who cannot manage their own affairs effectively, who provoke and pester humanity with their “perceptions and views” who wander about needling the populace to gain supporters with their personal issues. This has ever been the case with charismatic men who universally are revolutionary in their ambitions:
“At present, in every part of the world, we see how revolutionary movements initiated by idealistic intellectuals and preserved in their keeping tend to crystallize into hierarchical social orders in which an aristocratic intelligentsia commands, and the masses are expected to obey.” P32 The Ordeal of Change
Government by its very nature, drives out the five disciplines of the Learning Organization, and the creativity that spontaneously arises without it. And yet we observe in all those “ad-hoc” associations, a highly organized structure, one that holds in high esteem the Rule of Law, which IS the shared vision of the anarchic society. Those who cannot exist without concocting government are not only weak in character, but inevitably plunder the less advantaged to pay for their impotence, failures, schemes, and hubris.

They Thought They Were Free Milton Mayer
When Money Dies Adam Fergusson
The Starfish and the Spider Ori Brafman & Rod Beckstrom
The Meaning of Mind Thomas Szasz
Truth Imagined, The True Believer Eric Hoffer
Who Rules America? John McConaughy
The Whiskey Rebellion Thomas Slaughter
The Jefferson Conspiracies David Chandler
The Law Frédéric Bastiat
The Anti-Federalist Papers
American Aurora Richard Rosenfeld
The Fifth Discipline Peter Senge
Forrest McDonald;
We the People
E Pluribus Unum
Novus Ordo Seclorum

The New Nation Merrill Jensen
Our Enemy, the State Albert J Nock

Douglas Reed;
Disgrace Abounding
The Controversy of Zion

And several more unlisted with which to bore.