Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Charade of Politcal Propaganda

The Hopi (among other tribes) have the tradition in their sacred lore that the world of Man has been destroyed and recreated several times. They say that another is coming soon. What better evidence have we that they are correct about the antiquity of Man than this: We have forgotten those calamities. I can think of no better allegory of it than the nature of man’s memory; at birth long-term memory is virtually non-existent, while short-term memory governs all our development. By the age of senility it is reversed, and we can’t remember who just farted, or where we put our dentures. So it is with humanity and what we seem capable of learning and retaining.

Reincarnationists propose that somehow, despite having no recollection of a former life, we figure out where we screwed up and eventually get our act together. Some of them however, think we come back because being here is fun—there is nothing better to do. Frankly, I find such an ideology the very expression of hubris and vanity. This observation aside, the One Thing (RIP, Jack) Man has never gotten through his head, much less retained over the years, is the principle of Divide and Conquer.

Just what do you think is the modus operandi of those movers and shakers behind partisan politics? For centuries, if not millennia, the ploy used to gain power is to divide the opinions of the masses into two groups, which is then managed so that at the very least, people will be in favor of the least evil. But choosing one evil over another is still empowering evil, and eventually the twain consolidate into one—Conquer.

Now do you understand what is going on between Trump and Hillary? Listen, there has not been a single presidential candidate since 1913 who was not also a darling of the Establishment. Every one has been a member of the CFR, or the cabal that was its predecessor. The Establishment is NOT worried about Trump taking office. Nobody of wealth ever gets to be affluent but what they have and do pay dues to these people who control the world’s money. How do you think Ross Perot got defeated? Why do you think only two political parties are covered in the corporate owned Media? Take a look sometime at the corporations whose top officers are members of the CFR. Look at who are officers of the Federal Reserve. It is so long a list you risk developing esotropia. Where do you suppose they come from? Anyone who has emerged as a financial tycoon has been favored and/or controlled through those at the top, grooming them as eventual replacements. Trump is no exception. As a negotiator he knows how to bullshit.

It happened before, but most people today not having direct experience with the rise of National Socialism cannot discern this strategy.  The supposed antipathy of the Establishment toward Trump is a pretext, an intrigue to disguise their hand behind his popularity. This is how they modulate the energy of dissent and still come out achieving their objectives.

But the memory capacity of most US citizens is like that of the toddler, or the cult dupe, who allow themselves to be swindled over and over again.

“A fool cannot be protected from his folly.  He will allow himself to be repeatedly swindled.”—Robert Heinlein

They never stop to think that other candidates far more capable also present themselves, because they’re too lazy to go look and discover they’ve been hornswoggled. But better yet, they don’t step back and fully grasp how the entire system of our present government is rigged by the employment of bribery. Money always talks, especially in a deflated or inflated economy.

Personally what I find so disgusting during political campaigns is not the supercilious speeches and media hype. It is my fellow Americans who repeatedly fall for this time-tested and threadbare ploy of manipulating their perceptions. When are you fellow citizens going to exit the Matrix?

Don’t you understand that creating situations that provoke your ire is precisely how they maintain control of your decisions? What the hell do you think the Brussels explosion was all about? The London bombing? The Spanish bombing? The European immigration problems? The American immigration problems? The mass murder of innocents in Norway? The Boston bombing? The Trade Towers debacle? The Oklahoma bombing? The Davidian massacre?

These are not unrelated events. They’re not caused by individuals going off the deep end because they can’t get social satisfaction. How naïve. Those people are patsies.

“The terrorist is one who lacks skill of persuasion, and seeks to extract on pain of death extreme fervor and faith from his prey. Terrorists arise when the people have lost their vision and self-respect.”—JB’s Book of Dictums

How do I know this? Patterns. A chief skill required in my engineering career was the recognition of patterns. Through that I was able to discern and quickly resolve problems at their root. That skill carried over into the study of history.

It doesn’t take long to recognize the same operations being conducted by the banksters from before the Revolutionary era to today. It was used by the Romans. Used by the moneyed Jews during their occupation. Used by all their national predecessors to earliest recorded history. It is implied in the Pyramid Texts. Pharaohs, Priests, money handlers. Oligarchs, Propagandists, Thieves.

"Why of course the people don't want war ... But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship ...Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy.…. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”—Hermann Goering, Nuremberg Diary

It is a well established fact openly disseminated to the world during the Iran Contra debacle (Oh thank you! Ollie.) that the CIA is actively involved in the trafficking of contraband drugs, money, weapons, explosives, and the exploitation and subordination of unstable True Believer personalities for the sole purpose of provoking, destabilizing, and/or overthrowing governments with their constitutions around the world. This IS what they do. (Why do you think cannabis, the most versatile plant ever, was made contraband during WWII? Corporations didn’t want their market dominance undercut by wartime shortages. Shortages = higher prices/profits.) The CIA has its roots in the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) of a century ago, as do all the other intelligence agencies established in foreign countries. And they cooperate together in orchestrating these provocations to inflame and terrorize people’s passions. They do this so that some Right or privilege the People will beg to have taken away in the name of security.

Joachim Hagopian’s essay on Global Research (Ruling Elite Grow Desperate), Patrick Buchanan’s article on the Oligarchs killing Trump and the like are obscuring the facts. When did you last hear of anyone motivated by pure altruism? Trump wants to do something about the condition of our country, said he. Oh really? Are we so credible that every previous president who has asserted essentially the same thing for more than a century doesn’t alarm us of a rat at the camera? Naïve and hopelessly gullible, sometimes I think of my fellow Americans. Especially the Millenials and quasi Millennials. The Oligarchs have them tethered by suture thread in their septum..

“When something is proposed for genuine ‘public good’ it will be proposed by the public. When it is proposed by a politician or wanna-be, run for the hills! It is being proposed to enhance their financial condition.”—JB’s Book of Dictums

I can’t help thinking I’m pontificating to the choir here. Those that need to ponder on these things the most are too busy on Facebook trying to impress one another with their regurgitation of hearsay, rather than bending their minds to the study of history. How important is that, you may ask?

JFK tried to do the same thing that Lincoln attempted: print interest free money by an act of Congress. His education in the most prestigious institutions did not alert him to the impending hazard. He met the same fate for the same reason by the same business interests. He was a bright fellow, but did not learn well how the system which propelled his family into wealth was the very system which blew his brains away.

There is no safety from collateral damage inflicted by shadow organizations, except learning the lessons buried in the past, and taking control of your Rights, perceptions, and guarding your privileges. Credulity in a child is sometimes amusing. In an adult it is an abomination.


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